Thursday, 18 August 2011

Big Apple Circus Dreams Big!

It's been awhile since my last post, due to a very demanding work schedule with costume fittings during the day and competing with the 11 Chinese Shandong Acrobats for highly coveted internet access by night. My obsessive twitter following has become my only link to the outside world, which somehow in my mind has become a distant memory of "reality"... although the fashion industry it was in ways equally out of this world as the circus.

Here at the Big Apple Circus are currently working with an amazing French Canadian team, Barbe & Doucet, on the costumes for this seasons show Dream Big. There has been lots of discussion about trying something new, with many BAC returning staff commenting on how different this show will be than anything they've ever done before. I've been coming to this show every year ever since I can remember, and so far I agree. So far I also agree with the team that this change is an exciting one.

The talented Andre Barbe has created an array of dazzling costumes representing figments of a child's imagination from mad scientist company members, acrobats as sparkles and energy, a Mardi Gras doll hand balancer, trapeze artists swathed in ribbons and trimmings, and so much more. The collection has a very surreal yet futuristic vibe. Embedded in the bright, macaroon inspired color scheme lies a very subtle darkness in some of the deeper colors, stripes, and flapper styles which hints at a feeling reminiscent of the subconscious intellect and unbridled imagination associated with Surrealism of the late 1910's and early 1920's. In contrast to last seasons costumes, this reference gives the costuming a very real element which I feel modernizes the show, to connect with today's audiences. Well balanced with the deeper feelings are unabashedly bright colors, sparkles, and a sense of fun essential to circus costuming. Finishing the effect are quirky, sci-fi details such as propeller hoods, big round goggles, a Lady Gaga-esque turbin with long ponytail, and sturdy black rubber gloves... and the inherent bounciness and whimsicality of over-sized foam ribbons, gears, stuffed wings, and a giant horse heads. With all this in store the costuming is sure to excite and inspire!

Dream Big opens September 22, 2011 in Dulles, Virginia. Dream Big opens in Manhattan, New York October 20, 2011. I will post pictures once the show opens and I'm no longer sworn to secrecy! Hope you can come see us!

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